Markets are still volatile, and with all the noise, let's examine tariffs and provide the perspective you need to understand the implications....
Dividend Cafe provides market perspective rooted in first principles, not the fads of the day. Authored by our Managing Partner, David Bahnsen, it covers a wide array of topics, it doesn’t try to do what it cannot do, and it strives to offer needed perspective not readily available in most financial commentary.
The MONDAY Dividend Cafe covers all going on in the present tense in public policy, housing, energy, markets, the Fed, and more.
The DAILY RECAP is rather self-explanatory.
And ASK TBG gives you a chance for daily interaction with our people on any issue important to you.
Markets are still volatile, and with all the noise, let's examine tariffs and provide the perspective you need to understand the implications....
In September of 2008 the world’s financial markets were brought to their knees by a debt bubble, the likes of which we had never previously seen. The turmoil in financial markets was severe and Wall Street banks were falling by the wayside daily. In this time period, David Bahnsen was working as a Managing Director at Morgan Stanley, responsible for the well-being of his clients. As their anxiety of clients intensified, David began writing a periodic bulletin to them. One bulletin became another, and then another, and all of a sudden, a weekly bulletin was organically born! Well after markets pulled out of the abyss of 2008, the weekly edition continued, evolving into something far more positive than its September of 2008 origins. This commentary distributed by simple email with an ever-growing following morphed into the Dividend Cafe when David and his team launched their own practice in early 2015.
Today, Dividend Cafe is still attempting to do what it was doing in the fall of 2008 – offering truthful perspective that may not be easily found elsewhere. The topics will vary from our dividend growth philosophy, to bedrock investing principles, to the challenges of interventionist monetary policy, to anything else that inspires David in a given week. The underlying objective is the same now as it was when we began – to build trust by telling the truth, not what people want to hear.
Dividend Cafe provides market perspective rooted in first principles, not the fads of the day. Authored by our Managing Partner, David Bahnsen, it covers a wide array of topics, it doesn’t try to do what it cannot do, and it strives to offer needed perspective not readily available in most financial commentary.
The MONDAY Dividend Cafe covers all going on in the present tense in public policy, housing, energy, markets, the Fed, and more.
The DAILY RECAP is rather self-explanatory.
And ASK TBG gives you a chance for daily interaction with our people on any issue important to you.
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Hightower Advisors, LLC is a SEC registered investment adviser. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Some investment professionals may also be registered with Hightower Securities, LLC and offer securities through Hightower Securities, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. You can check the background of our firm and investment professionals on Unless otherwise indicated relative to a specific award or ranking, Hightower Advisors, LLC does not pay a fee to be considered for any ranking or recognition, but may have paid to publicize rankings obtained and disseminated prior to 11.4.2022. All awards / rankings / ratings obtained and distributed on or after 11.4.2022 will be accompanied by specific disclosure as applicable.
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